Character Biography
Theodosius Makovich
None but people close friends call him Undead. Or just Theo
Everyone has lost count of the years
4ft 11 (teen) 5ft 7 (adult)
160 Lbs (teen) 205 Lbs (adult)
Sort of an athletic bulk
Human or Regen
Eye colour
Bright blue
Hair colour
Hair style
Depends on the time zone and country of residence
Glasses or contact lenses
European (no specific country)
Skin colour
White with small amount of tan
Shape of face
Distinguishing features
The scars on his body and his head
Clothes - how does he dress?
Depends on the period and current country
Theo is generally quiet polite due to his travels and all the different
customs in countries; he is well reserved and knows when to fight back in
Tapping on the table when sitting down with his stone arrow.
Theo is in perfect health apart from all the scars he has each time he
He is a collector; he likes to collect things that killed him, things
that his friends hold dear, clothing he has worn, and armour he has battled in.
Theo likes to remember everything, and with his age, this is hard but he never
forgets a face, only very important details.
Favourite sayings
Theo doesn't really have many saying he likes to say but his closest
friends know he says 'Kill me B*tch' very often in battle
Sound of voice
Theo tends to listen and doesn't say much but when he does, its usually
very quiet but to groups he speaks up; his voice is light but trustworthy.
Walking style
Has an average walking style. But head up before battle and head down
Theo doesn't have any physical divisibility although mental, he is very
scared as he has killed many and watches many die, including his own kind and
close friends.
Greatest flaw
His greatest flaw is his greatest strength, his immortality.
Greatest quality
His Greatest strength... Friendship or immortality
Special powers
Immortality but later he finds out he can ignore pain, when he is set on
fire during an attempted cremation
Theo is an expert with horseback riding and transfers this skill over to
flight as aeroplanes get more advanced.
He never takes of the stone arrow that 'killed' him the first time and
wears it during everything.
Social characteristics
Home town
His home town (when he were there) was never named as it was more of a
settlement, and it was abandoned when he first game back from the ‘dead’
Current residence
Mainly in his cave, but when not there, he tends to be where ever there
is work.
Depends on his job as he is paid by the hour and by contract.
He is a very skilled war chief, as he was trained by the ancient Spartans,
romans, Japanese samurai, and many more.
Family status
He knows he has some family left somewhere, but he doesn’t know if any
know about him, like they used to.
Character status as a child
Theo, with time, slowly forgot about his childhood, and only remembers
the words “Hair as sun, eyes as sea” from his mother, who died when he was 5,
and his father went missing when he was 15 while out hunting with Theo.
Character status as an adult
As an adult his personality changes slightly due to influence of other
characters and people in his life are always changing.
Attributes and attitudes
Educations background
He does not have much education, but a man of science rather than God, since
he has lost many to religion and gained nothing from it.
His IQ is unknown due to everything we know, he probably witnessed first-hand.
Characters goals in life
To help others that cannot help themselves as he has given up on finding
out why he cannot die.
How do they see them self
He sees himself as a creation that shouldn't be, but he does his best to make the world a better place with his power.
How confident is the character
Theo is extremely confident especially in combat
Are they ruled by logic, emotion or both?
Mostly logic, but emotions are taking into thought
Emotional characteristics
Introvert or extrovert
He is more of an extrovert but enjoys the company of himself from time
to time.
How do they deal with?
He deals with emotions like the average person, appropriately although his anger does and will get the best of him.
What would the character like to change
about their life?
He wouldn't change much but he would like to change a few smallers things about his past
What motivates the character?
nothing apart form the fact that he can make a difference
What makes them happy?
His friends and peace
Relationship skills
he is an incredible ladies man, which explains his complicated family tree. Mak (his best friend) has a theory that everyone is related to him due to his active lifestyle.
Spiritual characteristics
Do they believe in God?
Do they believe in a religion?
How strong are the characters beliefs?
Non existent
Are they ruled by these beliefs?
Involvement in the story
How are they affected by the environment?
Time period
Stone Age - Near Future
No sidekick but his main help is his best friend 'Make', until 1914 that