Task 7 - Evaluation

Unit 14: Working Freelance in the Creative Media Sector
Unit 38: Mixed Media Image Making
23rd February – 22nd May
Final Major Project

For my latest and final Art project of the year, I was to either create an environment concept art for a game, character concept for a game, graphic novel/comic strip or a stop motion animation.

For my first task I carried out visual and written research from a wide range of sources for my work – games and graphic novels. I carried out primary and secondary research, on artists such as Adam Adamowitz, and his career in design also secondary research in how to draw basic characters and faces.

For my second task I generated a wide range of ideas for possible solutions for my project, producing mind maps, brainstorms, moodboards etc. I considered the project’s viability, timescale, client requirements, constraints and more. 

For my third task I took my strongest concept, developed it into a very clear proposal and prepared a pitch for my project idea. This was delivered to my ‘project manager’ or my art teacher for an interview. I had to explain how I will be addressing my target audience and market, identify any constraints on my construction on production and ways to address these. I will refine my ideas as a result of the pitch, where it was appropriate

After the pitch, I had to produce a plan for the rest of my project, producing the necessary pre-production paperwork and accounting for my time and make a budget. I then continued working on this plan until it was complete and I also kept checking it to make sure I was on target.

After the plan I made was complete I carried it out, making a production log as I progress through my targets, regularly checking it, until completion.

I drafted the product to show to a few other students and my teacher to show that I was on task and that I could do what I said I was going to do, taking in valuable feedback and ideas to make my final piece better.

I tried using oil paint to test different Medias which was not a very fun day, since all my clothes got very messy and the paper didn’t look very safe to hold up without it ripping.
Blogger not working

During uploading my work onto blogger the website had maintenance for a few days which hindered my project, but I did move on to do other work. Also sometimes the pictures wouldn’t load when you opened them, and the text would sometimes be highlighted with a random colour, making some sentences and paragraphs hard to see. There wasn’t much I could do about this but wait or try and sort it out later.

Although I thought my idea was good and original it did require more work to do, into research for WW1 and medieval and then making up my own futuristic art. Making me do 9 final pieces in total but selecting 3 to give in took some time and a lot of work at home was done.

Luckily Illustrator was my answer to the extra work I had to do; I could easily do lots of work at home on my laptop with illustrator. To do this I used the pen tool a lot, and it was my main media during the project apart from pencil and pen.

Even with the amount of work that I did at home using illustrator, it does have its downs. If you don't save it as the right file, you can open it back up later and work on it, and instead starting again is the only option. Also sometimes the pen tool, snaps onto what are known as anchors (the beginnings and ends of the lines the pen tool creates) which deletes them most of the time. Choosing the unsnap button can help solve this but also makes it harder to do symmetrical shapes using the pen tool. And turning it off and on again multiple times is a real hassle.

During the course I had to learn how to draw certain shapes, faces, bodies, facial expressions and body gestures. Which took some time, but watching videos at home helped a lot and saved precious time in college to draw and do other work. 

To make sure I met all the requirements of the brief I constantly looked at it each lesson, just to confirm I was on track and doing the work correctly, asking the teacher sometimes didn't hurt too.

Lastly, I would like to add that all my work was on target apart from a few snags, and I believe my work is to professional industry standards. I also learned many different media techniques in art and designing my own character. I believe that I could now easily create a new character with the same process I used, much faster and I could also make it look a lot nicer and more professional looking.

Task 6 - Presentation

I will present my draft product to a focus group (and client), receive feedback and make changes to finished product, where necessary.

Remember that you are trying to work to near-professional standards, show creativity and flair and work independently to professional expectations.

Task 5 - Production









Task 4 - Planning

Task 3 - Pitch

Task 2 - Ideas Generation

Character Biography


Theodosius Makovich

None but people close friends call him Undead. Or just Theo

Everyone has lost count of the years

4ft 11 (teen) 5ft 7 (adult)

160 Lbs (teen) 205 Lbs (adult)

Sort of an athletic bulk


Human or Regen

Eye colour
Bright blue

Hair colour

Hair style
Depends on the time zone and country of residence

Glasses or contact lenses

European (no specific country)

Skin colour
White with small amount of tan

Shape of face

Distinguishing features
The scars on his body and his head

Clothes - how does he dress?
Depends on the period and current country

Theo is generally quiet polite due to his travels and all the different customs in countries; he is well reserved and knows when to fight back in arguments.

Tapping on the table when sitting down with his stone arrow.

Theo is in perfect health apart from all the scars he has each time he 'dies'.

He is a collector; he likes to collect things that killed him, things that his friends hold dear, clothing he has worn, and armour he has battled in. Theo likes to remember everything, and with his age, this is hard but he never forgets a face, only very important details.

Favourite sayings
Theo doesn't really have many saying he likes to say but his closest friends know he says 'Kill me B*tch' very often in battle

Sound of voice
Theo tends to listen and doesn't say much but when he does, its usually very quiet but to groups he speaks up; his voice is light but trustworthy.

Walking style
Has an average walking style. But head up before battle and head down afterwards

Theo doesn't have any physical divisibility although mental, he is very scared as he has killed many and watches many die, including his own kind and close friends.

Greatest flaw
His greatest flaw is his greatest strength, his immortality.

Greatest quality
His Greatest strength... Friendship or immortality

Special powers
Immortality but later he finds out he can ignore pain, when he is set on fire during an attempted cremation

Theo is an expert with horseback riding and transfers this skill over to flight as aeroplanes get more advanced.

He never takes of the stone arrow that 'killed' him the first time and wears it during everything.

Social characteristics 

Home town
His home town (when he were there) was never named as it was more of a settlement, and it was abandoned when he first game back from the ‘dead’

Current residence
Mainly in his cave, but when not there, he tends to be where ever there is work.


Depends on his job as he is paid by the hour and by contract.

He is a very skilled war chief, as he was trained by the ancient Spartans, romans, Japanese samurai, and many more.

Family status
He knows he has some family left somewhere, but he doesn’t know if any know about him, like they used to.

Character status as a child
Theo, with time, slowly forgot about his childhood, and only remembers the words “Hair as sun, eyes as sea” from his mother, who died when he was 5, and his father went missing when he was 15 while out hunting with Theo.

Character status as an adult
As an adult his personality changes slightly due to influence of other characters and people in his life are always changing.

Attributes and attitudes

Educations background
He does not have much education, but a man of science rather than God, since he has lost many to religion and gained nothing from it.

His IQ is unknown due to everything we know, he probably witnessed first-hand.

Characters goals in life
To help others that cannot help themselves as he has given up on finding out why he cannot die.

How do they see them self
He sees himself as a creation that shouldn't be, but he does his best to make the world a better place with his power.

How confident is the character
Theo is extremely confident especially in combat

Are they ruled by logic, emotion or both?
Mostly logic, but emotions are taking into thought

Emotional characteristics

Introvert or extrovert
He is more of an extrovert but enjoys the company of himself from time to time.

How do they deal with?

He deals with emotions like the average person, appropriately although his anger does and will get the best of him.





What would the character like to change about their life?
He wouldn't change much but he would like to change a few smallers things about his past

What motivates the character?
nothing apart form the fact that he can make a difference

What makes them happy?
 His friends and peace

Relationship skills
he is an incredible ladies man, which explains his complicated family tree. Mak (his best friend) has a theory that everyone is related to him due to his active lifestyle.

Spiritual characteristics

Do they believe in God?

Do they believe in a religion?

How strong are the characters beliefs?
Non existent

Are they ruled by these beliefs?

Involvement in the story


How are they affected by the environment?

Time period
Stone Age - Near Future

No sidekick but his main help is his best friend 'Make', until 1914 that is.

Task 1 - Research

Artist research

Adam Adamowitz

Adam Adamowicz (March 9, 1968 – February 9, 2012) was an American of Polish descent. He grew up on Long Island, New York Adam was a video game concept artist best known for his work on Fallout 3 and The Elder Scolls: Skyrim At Bethesda Softworks.He worked with Jaleco Entertainment Inc. between 2002-2003. Adam started working at Bethesda Softworks in 2005.

Secondary Research 

How to Draw my character

Misc Character Objects

Medieval Armor Research


Dragon Research

Dragons are legendary creatures, typically with serpentine or otherwise reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures.
There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan, Korea and other Asian countries.


World War One Research

Future Armor Research


Character Biography

Answering all these basic questions i will be able to make a story line, personalty and even more characters related to my character


Eye colour
Hair colour
Hair style
Glasses or contact lenses
Skin colour
Shape of face
Distinguishing ceatures
Clothes - how does he dress
Favourite sayings
Sound of voice
Walking style
Greatest flaw
Greatest quality
Special powers

Social characteristics 

Current residence
Family status
Character status as a child
Character status as an adult

Attributes and attitudes

Educations background
characters goals in life
How do they see them self
How confident is the character
Are they ruled by logic, emotion or both

Emotional characteristics

Introvert or extrovert
How do they deal with;
What would the character like to change about their life
What motivates the character
What makes them happy
Relationship skills

Spiritual characteristics

Do they believe in God?
Do they believe in a religion?
How strong are the characters beliefs
Are they ruled by these beliefs?

Involvement in the story

How are they affected by the environment
Time period